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  • 🐕 5 interesting things your dog's DNA can reveal

🐕 5 interesting things your dog's DNA can reveal

Wednesday, 10/16: Sponsored by Brad's Deals - dog DNA, barking etiquette, trending video

đŸŸ Start your day on the right paw

Cocker Spaniel Dog GIF by Extreme Improv

 and see the world through your dog’s eyes đŸŸ

  • đŸ¶ 5 things your dog’s DNA can reveal

  • đŸ„° Do you have questions about barking etiquette?

  • đŸŸ How to make a cozy home for you and your dog

  • 🩮 Watch the exact moment this pup realizes she’s a third-wheel

  • ❀ A special word from our pups


The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.”

Samuel Butler

True or False?

One of the Beatles' songs contains a whistle that's only audible to dogs.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

5 Things Your Dog’s DNA Can Reveal

Have you ever looked at your dog and thought, “What are you?” Maybe those floppy ears scream Beagle, but the massive paws make you wonder if a Great Dane is hiding in there. Well, you’re not alone! More and more dog parents are getting into the world of dog DNA tests to learn about their pup’s heritage—and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to know?

Doggy DNA tests can tell you so much more than just their breed. Let’s explore what these tests can reveal about your beloved pup!

Breed Breakdown: Who’s in the Mix?

Let’s start with the big one. When you send off your dog’s DNA, you get a detailed breakdown of their breed mix. This is exciting for all dog parents – whether your dog is from a breeder or a shelter. Maybe your “purebred” Golden Retriever has a surprising streak of Border Collie, or your rescue mutt is actually part Mastiff! Not only do you find out their breed percentages, but you’ll also learn about each breed’s traits, behaviors, and even some fun facts about their history.

Health Insights

Okay, let’s get serious for a minute. Dog DNA tests can also help you be proactive about your dog’s health. They can screen for genetic diseases that your pup might be at risk for, like hip dysplasia or glaucoma. You’ll know what to watch out for as they age, and maybe even find out if they’re carrying genes that make them sensitive to certain medications. Having the ability to give your pup a head start on a healthy life is never a bad idea!

Personality Clues

Ever wonder why your dog has those quirky habits? Some DNA tests can provide personality insights, such as whether your pup is prone to separation anxiety or has a knack for puzzle toys. While it’s not an exact science, it can lead to some enlightening “aha!” moments when you think, “Oh, that’s why you shred the couch when I leave!”


If your dog has a habit of sneezing randomly or scratching like it’s going out of style, a DNA test might reveal some sensitivities—like certain foods, pollen, or even dust. It’s not just quirky behavior; there could be a genetic reason for it. With this new knowledge, you can take action and adjust their diet or environment to make life a little easier for them (I know, life is already pretty easy for them!).

A Potential Family Reunion?

Here’s one of the coolest parts: some DNA tests help you find your dog’s relatives. Imagine reuniting your pup with a long-lost sibling! If your dog’s lucky enough to have a sibling in the same city, that means instant playdates and maybe even a special bond for you too. Plus, you can geek out over their family tree, tracing your dog’s lineage all the way back to their grandparents and beyond.

So, what do you think—are you ready to uncover the mysteries hiding in your dog’s DNA? Or have you done it before? What surprising discoveries did you make? We’d love to hear all about it!

Barking Etiquette: When to Let It Slide and When to Step In

All dogs bark, and as dog owners, we know this all too well. But have you ever wondered—how much barking is too much? What's acceptable, and what crosses the line? We've all seen those Facebook posts from neighbors complaining about dogs barking outside, and sometimes it even makes me question myself: Do I let my dogs bark too much? But at the same time, barking is how dogs communicate, and we can't stop them entirely (nor should we). So, let’s dive into barking etiquette and find that balance.

When It’s Totally OK for Your Dog to Bark:

  • Alerting You to Danger

    When your dog barks at someone approaching the door or a stranger nearby, they’re doing their job as your personal alarm system. A few warning barks to say “Hey, something’s up!” is reasonable. Plus, for some dogs, that protective instinct is just part of their DNA.

  • Playtime Barks

    Dogs often bark when they’re having fun, whether they’re chasing after a ball or romping with other pups. As long as it’s not constant, playful barking is totally fine—and part of the joy of being a dog owner.

  • Expressing Excitement

    That happy bark when you grab the leash or they see a friend? Let it happen! Dogs express their joy through barking, and that kind of excitement doesn’t hurt anyone.

When to Step In and Quiet Things Down:

  • Non-Stop Barking

    If your dog is barking for long stretches—especially at night or early in the morning—it’s time to step in. Constant barking is not only a nuisance to any neighbor within earshot, but it also comes across as inconsiderate.

  • Barking Out of Boredom

    If your pup’s barking seems more like a hobby than a message, they might just need more stimulation. Regular walks, playtime, and mental activities can help prevent barking out of sheer boredom.

  • Barking When Left Alone

    Does your dog bark non-stop when you leave the house? This could be a sign of separation anxiety, and it’s something to address sooner rather than later.

What do you think? Have you ever had a barking incident that required your intervention? Are there other scenarios where you feel it’s okay for dogs to bark, or when it’s not? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this matter!

Create a Cozy Home for You and Your Dog for Less with Wayfair

Undoubtedly Wayfair is one of the most fun sites to shop. But in a world where every penny matters, we’re looking for more than just fun. We want to save big and purchase quality home goods from a trusted source. You may be wondering, “Is Wayfair legit?” and “Is Wayfair furniture good quality?” We can confidently answer yes to those questions, and when you read Wayfair reviews, you’ll find that thousands of customers agree with us.

But there are even more reasons to love Wayfair. Here are our Top 5.

Thank you to Wayfair for sponsoring Daily Dig.

Dog Realizes She’s The Third Wheel

Indie the Pitbull is an adorable pup that has truly stolen our hearts. In an adorable moment captured by her human mom, three dogs are playing, but only two dogs are engaged in a tug-of-war over a toy, while the “third wheel” is trying to get some playful nibbles in.

Her tail is wagging happily, but you can see the exact moment she realizes she’s not getting any playtime in return. Her tail stops wagging, and she looks up at her mom or dad with the biggest puppy-dog eyes.

It’s adorable, sweet, and sad all at once. Seeing her sad face makes us feel compelled to go play with her and give her some love!

Don’t worry, though. Indie the Pitbull receives plenty of love and attention on the daily from her humans!

A Special Message From Our Best Buddies

Daily Dig is inspired and brought to you by our wonderful dogs. Our dogs, and all the other pups out there, make the world a happier, brighter place. ❀

With lots of love,

Stitcher, Minnie, & Finnegan đŸŸ

🩮 A Little Treat

đŸ€” True or False: True, the Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life’ has a frequency only dogs can hear.

đŸ¶ DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is pawsitive pups. Reply to this email with the best pics of your dog happy, smiling, or just having an all-around great time. Be sure to include a short description and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

đŸ„° Spread positivity: Do you enjoy starting your day off with our community? If so, please consider forwarding this email to help us spread our love of all things dogs!

💌 Reply for a surprise: If you are reading this reply with your dog’s favorite thing to bark at for a surprise in your inbox!

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