
[6/21 [Honeycomb] DD || yoga poses based on dogs, doga & puppy yoga

🐾 Start your day on the right paw…

dog i cant handle this GIF

… and see the world through your dog’s eyes 🐾

  • 🐶 Yoga poses inspired by dogs for International Yoga Day 

  • 🥰 Benefits of including your dog in yoga sessions 

  • 🐾 Toilet paper with a purpose

  • 🦴 The most adorable puppy class

  • ❤️ A special word from our pups

People love dogs. You can never go wrong adding a dog to the story."

Jim Butcher

Did you know…

How do yoga poses, like downward dog, get their names?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Yoga Poses Inspired by Dogs

It is International Yoga Day, and one of our favorite things about yoga is the inspiration this movement takes from animals. Watching animals move naturally can teach us how to move our own bodies. Seven yoga poses were inspired by the movements of dogs. Check them out:

  1. Puppy Pose (Anahatasana) - This pose starts on your hands and knees. Lower your chest toward the ground and straighten your arms while leaving your hips above your knees.

  2. Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) - Start on all fours, raise your tailbone, and press your chest back towards your knees. It’s a good pose for elongating your spine.

  3. Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Urdva Mukha Svanasana) - This is the pose you see your dog do when they are first waking up. Lay on your belly and then raise your shoulder and head up, straightening your arms. 

  4. Sundial/Compass Pose (Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana) - This is a complex move, but if you feel like you’re as flexible as your dog, you could try it. It involves putting your leg over your shoulder like a backpack strap.

  5. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana) - Imagine your dog rolling on its back in the grass, and you’ll have this pose. You lay on your back, hold your feet in your hands, and rock back and forth.

  6. Supine Twist Pose (Supta Jathara Parivartananasana) - Laying on your back, hug your knees into your chest, and reach your arms out to the sides. Let your knees fall to the side and hold while breathing.

  7. Supported Fetal Pose - Imagine sleeping all curled up like your dog. Hug your knees into your chest and roll to the side. Support your head with your arm and relax.

 Try these and see if your pup does them alongside you. It might even help you check your form.

Add Dogs to Your Yoga Session

You may have heard of Doga, a new trend where you include your dog in your yoga practice. There are great health benefits for your dog, especially senior dogs who are living with arthritis. In addition to these benefits, this is also an incredible bonding activity between you and your pup. 

When adding your pup to your session, they are gaining all the health benefits that you are. You’re helping them develop and work specific muscle groups. By increasing their flexibility, you can help protect their joints. 

To get started, grab a mat, a water bottle, and your dog. Start simple and see how your dog enjoys it. Puppy paw mudra involves your dog lying down on the floor, where you can kneel behind them and rest your head on their back. Chair pose is great for strengthening their back legs. Slowly lift them up under their armpits until they’re standing on both hind legs, and hold them there for a few seconds. Try the poses listed above with your dog as well and see if this is something you could add to your routine. 

Help Save the Planet One Roll at a Time

Type ad copy here…If every household were to change nothing else about their habits except swapping their toilet tissue, we would save 27,000 trees per day. That’s a big difference – and Honeycomb is working to make it a reality. This small, female-founded brand created luxury, three-ply toilet tissue made from bamboo. It feels just like regular high-end toilet paper, but doesn’t harm trees.

But what’s so special about bamboo? It’s the fastest-growing plant in the world — growing 100 times faster than the average tree — which means thousands of rolls can be produced in the time it takes for a single tree to grow back.

Ready to help save the planet? New customers can use code DIG30 to get 30% off their first shipment.

Learn more here.

Watch Some Adorable Puppy Yoga

If your dog isn’t into doga, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to explore it. Many yoga studios partner with shelters and rescue organizations for events like this puppy yoga class. Puppies run around and play with participants during the class. Eventually, they find a state of zen, and you might get lucky enough to have a cute little pup napping on you while you go through the routine.

Final Bark

As you read today’s edition, approximately 93 trees were cut down to meet toilet paper demand. Honeycomb is helping to change that with luxury, three-ply tissue made from sustainable bamboo. It’s biodegradable, plastic-free, and will be delivered straight to you.

Ready to help? New customers can use code DIG30 for 30% off your first shipment.

Try Bamboo now!

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A Farewell Message From Our Best Buddies

Daily Dig is inspired and brought to you by our wonderful dogs. Our dogs, and all the other pups out there, make the world a happier, brighter place. ❤️

With lots of love,

Stitcher, Minnie, & Finnegan 🐾

🦴 A Little Treat

🤔 Did You Know: Ancient yogis spent time watching animals and their natural movements. Downward dog is a common pose where you can stretch many muscles, and you'll look similar to your dog when they wake up and stretch in the morning.

🐶 DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is pups in summer. Showcase your dog's favorite summertime activity, whether that be napping in the sun, playing in the pool, or hanging out with a buddy. Reply to this email with the best pics of your pooch, a short description, and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

🥰 Spread positivity: Do you enjoy starting your day off with our community of paw pals? If so, please consider forwarding this email to all other dog enthusiasts in your life and help us spread joy, love, and inspiration, one pawprint at a time!