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  • 8/15 Thursday: Can your dog detect pregnancy?

8/15 Thursday: Can your dog detect pregnancy?

Thursday 8/15: Sponsored by Hill's - Dog brothers, dogs detect pregnancy, dogs meeting babies

🐾 Start your day on the right paw…

Kids Dogs GIF by Storyful

… and see the world through your dog’s eyes 🐾

  • 🐶 Two goldens fall in love with baby sister

  • 🥰 Do dogs really sense when you’re pregnant?

  • 🐾 Could your pup be a star?

  • 🦴 5 ways to prep your fur baby for the human baby

  • ❤️ A special word from our pups


The only creatures that are evolved

enough to convey pure love are

dogs and infants.”

Johnny Depp

True or False…?

Dogs boost a baby’s immune system.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

The Best Big Brothers

Winston and Doug, two golden retrievers, are a testament to the special bond between dogs and kids. They literally fall in love with their new baby sister from the moment she comes home, greeting her with toys and kisses. It gives you all the warm and fuzzy feels. 

The video captures heartwarming and giggly moments from baby Miller’s first year, highlighting how her bond with the golden goobers grows stronger. Miller’s love back for the dogs is clear – from wanting to get as close as possible to them to her first word being “dog!” The goldens enjoy waking her up every morning, cuddling, and simply being by her side. After watching, you’ll be convinced that dogs and babies are meant to have each other in their lives!

Can Dogs Sense Pregnancy?

We've all heard stories from dog owners who swear their dogs sensed a baby in the bump, while others are surprised their dog barely reacted throughout the pregnancy. While we can’t exactly ask our pups if they knew... there is good evidence to suggest they can sense a pregnancy, thanks to their extraordinary senses. Dogs may even be able to detect that you’re pregnant before you know yourself! So, what exactly do their senses pick up on?

It’s no secret that our dogs have incredible noses— they always bust us for cheating with another dog. Dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in ours, and they have 40 times more brainpower dedicated to analyzing scents. They're basically real-life superheroes: dogs can detect different smells resulting from chemical changes, cancer, insulin levels, bombs, drugs, menstrual cycles, and yes, even pregnancy. During pregnancy, a mother’s hormones fluctuate, causing subtle changes in her unique scent—an odor her dog can sniff out from miles away.

Their other superpower sense, hearing, might also clue them into what's happening. Dogs can hear sounds four times farther away than the human ear can. If we can hear a fetus’ heartbeat with a Doppler or stethoscope, you can bet our pups can pick up on it without any tools. They can hear a heartbeat and even movements inside the womb. You might get proof your dog is listening when they lay their furry head on your baby bump and their ears perk up!

Even if we set aside their remarkable senses, dogs are highly attuned to changes in the people they love. They can pick up on shifts in our body language as well as the physical changes of pregnancy. 

Signs that your dog may be aware of the new human sibling on the way include becoming your shadow, showing protective instincts, increased affection, cuddling with your belly, and unusual gentleness if they’re usually more rambunctious. How did your dog react to your baby bump?

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Thanks to Hill’s for sponsoring The Daily Dig!

5 Ways to Prep Your Fur Baby for the Human Baby

Coming home with a new baby who has feet instead of paws can be a big change for dogs. It may be a difficult adjustment for some, while others might be ready to crown themselves as the best big brother or sister immediately. Nonetheless, your pups won’t be the only babies in the house, and they’ll need some gentle preparation for this big transition. Here are five ways to help prep them for the new addition (whom they’ll be best buds with in no time!).

  1. Set Up Baby Space Early: Not only will there be a new baby, but the house will also be filled with bouncers, highchairs, musical toys, and playpens. Setting up these items and the new layout months before the baby arrives is key, giving your doggo plenty of time to adjust (this is especially important for blind fur babies). Allow your pup to investigate everything at their own pace, and reward them with treats to build positive associations. Keep baby toys visible but out of reach to help your pup understand they're off-limits—though, as the baby grows, they might happily share with their doggy sibling!

  2. Play Baby Noises: Baby babbles and cries can be startling to dogs who haven’t heard them before. Let them hear baby sounds beforehand, so they don’t think a tiny, noisy intruder has invaded! Play baby sounds at a low volume while your dog is engaged in something enjoyable, like eating or playing. Gradually increase the volume to a lifelike level if your dog remains calm. This will help your dog (and you) get used to the new sounds.

  3. Introduce Baby Smells: Everyone knows how delicious that newborn baby smell is. Now, imagine what that smell is like for our pups, whose sense of smell is up to 100,000 times stronger. If possible, bring back your new babe’s blanket or hat before they come home. Or, ask friends with babies to bring some unwashed baby clothes. It won’t be long before you find your dog sniffing around your home, tracking the smell of dirty diapers (my dog loved finding clothes covered in spit-up…).

  4. Set Expectations Around New Routines: Less attention, shorter walks, and off-schedule feeding times are a few changes your pup might experience. If your dog thrives on routine, implement these changes in advance so they don’t feel too abrupt when the baby arrives. Remember, your dog won’t be on the back burner forever. And if you’re expecting more visitors than usual for the baby, you can let your dog think they’re there for them!

  5. Teach or Review Commands: With a baby in the mix, clear communication with your pup becomes even more important. Our eager-to-please dogs will benefit from a review of basic commands like on, off, leave it, stay, down, sit, go, and come. This will help you manage both your dog and the new baby more confidently, especially if your pup is underfoot or grabs the baby’s pacifier (I’ve been there!).

​​Remember, it’s a big transition for you, too! When I was pregnant, everyone told me that my love for my dogs would change. I insisted it wouldn’t, but it did. Sometimes it felt like I was living with a herd of elephants whose sole job was to wake up the baby, but other times I felt blessed with the gentlest dogs in the world. This phase doesn’t last forever. You’ll find a new normal, and when your baby babbles your dog’s name, you’ll be reminded of their special place in your family and your irreplaceable love for them.

Baby Girl and Her Puppy

Is Your Pup a Star?

Could your furry friend be our next star? Enter your dog or cat into Hill’s Pet of the Month sweepstakes, and they could win a year’s supply of food just by looking cute!

A Special Message From Our Best Buddies

Daily Dig is inspired and brought to you by our wonderful dogs. Our dogs, and all the other pups out there, make the world a happier, brighter place. ❤️

With lots of love,

Stitcher, Minnie, & Finnegan 🐾

🦴 A Little Treat

🤔 True or False: True, dogs can help boost a baby’s immune system. Research indicates that even petting a dog can raise immunoglobulin A levels and reduce the risk of allergies and asthma.

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