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  • 🐕 You won't regret a photoshoot with your pup

🐕 You won't regret a photoshoot with your pup

Wednesday 8/28: Sponsored by 1440 - photoshoot, affection, adoption

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🐾 Start your day on the right paw…

Black Lab Love GIF by IFC FIlms

… and see the world through your dog’s eyes 🐾

  • 🐶 6 reasons to have a photoshoot with your pup

  • 🥰 The best ways to show your dog affection

  • 🐾 Stay informed with 1440

  • 🦴 Lab who chases doggy day care bus gets adopted

  • ❤️ A special word from our pups


My best friend has four paws.”


True or False:

A dog's paw print is unique like a person's fingerprint.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

6 Reasons to Have a Photoshoot with Your Pup

We’ve all been there—scrolling through our phones, smiling at the goofy selfies we’ve taken with our dogs. Maybe you’ve got a collection of close-ups featuring their adorable wet noses, sleepy eyes, or that one time they got into something they shouldn’t have. But how many of those pictures truly capture the bond you share? How many are clear enough to frame and memorialize?

That’s where a professional photoshoot comes in — here are 6 reasons why it’s worth considering for you and your pup.

  1. Capture Memories

It’s even more important than you might realize to capture moments with your dog that you can look back on one day (and I know you already get how special that is!). Sure, we don’t take their warm snuggles or constant presence for granted, but there will come a time when they’re no longer curled up next to us. When that day comes, photos become the only way to see them again. Realizing you don’t have enough good photos of your dog—or you with your dog—when they’re gone is just downright heartbreaking. Yes, your pup’s memory will always live in your heart, but there’s something comforting about seeing your bond, frozen in time.

  1. It Makes Your Dog Feel Special

All eyes are on your pup—literally. Isn’t that a dream for most dogs? During a photoshoot, your dog gets to bask in the spotlight, be doted on, talked to in those irresistible baby voices, and showered with treats while showing off their best tricks and silliest faces. Your pup is almost guaranteed to love the experience. It’s basically like a human play date, but dedicated entirely to them!

  1. Dogs Are Part of the Family

We all have family portraits—pictures of our partners, children, and parents hanging on our walls. So, why wouldn’t we have framed photos of our pups? After all, they’re family too—arguably, closer to us than many other family members. They’re the ones we see every day, greeting us with unconditional love and plenty of sloppy kisses! A photoshoot lets you capture your pup as the irreplaceable family member they are, creating pictures you can display alongside the rest of your family photos.

  1. It’s Fun!

A dog photoshoot isn’t just about the photos—it’s about the experience! Whether your dog is curious about the camera, trying to befriend the photographer, or just being their goofy self, it’s a fun and memorable experience. You get to bond with your dog, play, and let the photographer capture it all naturally.

Worried your dog isn’t trained enough for a photoshoot? Don’t be! Professional pet photographers have plenty of tricks (and treats) and are skilled at working with all kinds of dogs. Their goal is to capture your dog’s personality and the special bond you share—whether they’re sweetly posing against a beautiful backdrop or jumping from all the excitement.

  1. You Can’t Get Professional Quality at Home

The photos you have with your pup are probably wild and blurry—likely from trying to tame them while scrambling to hit the shutter button! We all love snapping pictures of our dogs, but there’s a reason professional photographers achieve results that stand out. Photography is a skill that takes years to master and requires expensive equipment. During a photoshoot, you’ll get shots that are picture-perfect (literally) and expertly edited images that showcase your pup in all their glory. And the best part? You’ll see your dog's unique markings captured perfectly: golden spots as eyebrows, a blue eye paired with a brown one, and their precious triangle-shaped or droopy ears.

  1. You’ll Never Regret It

I can promise you that nobody has ever said “I regret taking that photo with my dog.” No matter the setting, the time of day, or how you both look in the shot – capturing these moments will always be worth it. Your future self will thank you, as these photos will bring you smiles long after your pup is gone—and even while they’re still here. I find myself looking at pictures of my dogs and laughing, even when I’m with them all day!

Do you have a favorite photo of you and your pup or a story behind a photoshoot? Share it with us!

Ways to Show Your Dog Affection (Stitcher and Minnie Approved!)

Our dogs shower us with so much love, it’s hard to believe they never seem to run out of it! We know they adore us and would do anything to see us smile. But have you ever wondered… do they know how much we love them?

We’re pretty sure they do, given everything we do for them. Remember, every dog has their own love language, and you know your pup best. Here’s how you can show your dog just how much they mean to you:

Talk to Them. Give your pup the gift of conversation! Dogs love hearing your voice, especially when it's full of cheer and excitement. Chat about your day, your plans, or even your love-life troubles—your pup will be all ears, with their head tilting, soaking up every word. How could they not feel loved when we share our secrets with them? After all, they’re the best listeners and will never interrupt us!

Belly Rubs, Ear Scratches, and Butt Pats. Most dogs love physical touch (and if yours doesn’t, that's totally okay!). When you pet your pup, it releases oxytocin—the feel-good chemical—in both you and them. The power of touch is strong! Dogs have so many favorite ways to enjoy this kind of attention, and I’m sure you know exactly what your pup prefers. Whether it's belly rubs, ear scratches, or those fun butt pats, every dog has their sweet spot. My favorite is when you find the spot— you know, the one that makes their leg go bonkers involuntarily. That’s when you know you've hit the jackpot! And you know they love it if they paw at you for more!

Eye Contact. Just like physical touch, making loving eye contact with your pup can also release oxytocin. This love chemical strengthens the bond between us and our pups. This simple act of affection helps build trust and makes your doggo feel loved. If you’ve noticed your dog staring at you, it’s exactly what it seems—their way of showing love. So, returning that loving gaze will definitely reassure them that you love them to the moon and back! It’s already hard not to get lost in their loving eyes… now we have another reason to keep doing it!

Smile. Dogs are amazing in so many ways, especially when it comes to reading us! They pick up on everything from our posture to our facial expressions. Being so in tune with our emotions, it’s no wonder that a smile can make them feel the same way—happy, calm, and loved

Snuggles. Snuggling and cuddling with your pup can definitely fall under the same category as physical touch, but I think it deserves its own special focus. Sometimes, we might think that just hanging out and lounging with our dog isn’t enough to show affection—but it really is. Choosing to lay and snuggle on the couch with them, instead of doing all of the other things we could be doing, is love. I don’t think they’d rather be doing anything else. They feel loved by simply being in our company and feeling your body next to theirs.

Kiss. And finally, the classic smooch! A kiss on the nose, snout, or those tiny lips (isn’t it funny how big dogs still have tiny lips in comparison to their size?) is a timeless way to show affection. Many dogs absolutely adore receiving kisses from their owners and quickly learn to associate them with love. The best moments are when they respond with a kiss back or an adorable forehead nuzzle that says, “Yep, this is my favorite place to be.”

What are your favorite ways to show your dog affection?

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Lab Gets Adopted After Chasing Doggy Day Care Bus

Waylon the Labrador Retriever was just a stray when he was spotted chasing a doggy daycare bus a few weeks ago. Now, he’s part of a loving family with a sister and gets to ride the very bus he wanted to join so badly. Every dog lover will have happy tears after watching his story, shared by @weratedogs—grab some tissues!

It all started when Tyson Cash, the driver of the chased doggy daycare bus, was picking up his regular doggo, Motley. Waylon was with Motley that morning and wanted to be a part of whatever was on the bus. He tried everything to get on, but as touched as Cash was by Waylon’s enthusiasm, he couldn’t let him on without knowing his vaccination records. Waylon chased the bus down the road, hoping for a chance.

Later, Keller Creek's boarding and grooming shared Waylon's photo on Facebook, looking for his owner. No one came forward, however a mom of a dog who rode the bus reached out and wanted to adopt Waylon! Just like that, the stray dog has a forever home, a name, and a sister (who’s also a Lab) who he happily rides the bus with to doggy daycare. Waylon quite literally chased his dreams!


how do we get a seat on this bus? 13/10 #weratedogs

Give Your Pup a Shout-Out!

Want to get your pup a shout-out in the next edition of the Daily Dig? Refer 3 friends to Daily Dig and you can get rewarded! Here’s how:

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A Special Message From Our Best Buddies

Daily Dig is inspired and brought to you by our wonderful dogs. Our dogs, and all the other pups out there, make the world a happier, brighter place. ❤️

With lots of love,

Stitcher, Minnie, & Finnegan 🐾

🦴 A Little Treat

🤔  True or False: False, paw prints aren’t similar to human fingerprints. However, dogs can be identified by their nose prints! Each dog has a unique pattern of lines, scales, and grooves on their nose.

🐶 DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs and their furry friends. Reply to this email with the best pics of your dog with a buddy, a short description, and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

🥰 Spread positivity: Do you enjoy starting your day off with our community? If so, please consider forwarding this email to help us spread our love of all things dogs!

💌 Reply for a surprise: If you are reading this reply with if your pup’s favorite photoshoot pictures for a surprise in your inbox!

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